RNA 5' Terminal Oligopyrimidine Sequence

A regulatory sequence found in the 5' terminal regions of a variety of RNA species. The sequence starts with a CYTIDINE, which is followed by a stretch of 5 to 15 PYRIMIDINE NUCLEOTIDES. Messenger RNA that contains the 5' Terminal Oligo Pyrimidine tract is often referred to as 5' TOP mRNA. The sequence acts as a translational regulator and has been found in mRNAs for PEPTIDE ELONGATION FACTORS and RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS.
Also Known As:
5' TOP Messenger RNA; 5' TOP Sequence; 5' TOP mRNA; RNA 5' Terminal Oligopyrimidine Regulatory Sequence; 5' TOP Sequences; Sequence, 5' TOP; Sequences, 5' TOP
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