Port-Wine Stain (Nevus Flammeus)

A vascular malformation of developmental origin characterized pathologically by ectasia of superficial dermal capillaries, and clinically by persistent macular erythema. In the past, port wine stains have frequently been termed capillary hemangiomas, which they are not; unfortunately this confusing practice persists: HEMANGIOMA, CAPILLARY is neoplastic, a port-wine stain is non-neoplastic. Port-wine stains vary in color from fairly pale pink to deep red or purple and in size from a few millimeters to many centimeters in diameter. The face is the most frequently affected site and they are most often unilateral. (From Rook et al., Textbook of Dermatology, 5th ed, p483)
Also Known As:
Nevus Flammeus; Port Wine Stain; Port-Wine Stains; Stain, Port-Wine; Stains, Port-Wine
Networked: 893 relevant articles (145 outcomes, 87 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Hemangioma (Angioma)
2. Telangiectasis (Telangiectasia)
3. Cicatrix (Scar)
4. Pain (Aches)
5. Vascular Malformations


1. Nelson, J Stuart: 42 articles (12/2019 - 01/2002)
2. Gu, Ying: 25 articles (02/2021 - 06/2007)
3. Choi, Bernard: 21 articles (10/2017 - 06/2003)
4. Lin, Xiaoxi: 18 articles (03/2022 - 03/2015)
5. Ma, Gang: 17 articles (03/2022 - 10/2011)
6. Yu, Wenxin: 17 articles (03/2022 - 03/2015)
7. Kelly, Kristen M: 17 articles (10/2017 - 01/2002)
8. Wang, Ying: 16 articles (02/2021 - 06/2008)
9. Chen, Bin: 13 articles (04/2022 - 01/2015)
10. Li, Dong: 13 articles (04/2022 - 01/2015)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Port-Wine Stain:
1. 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene (PDT)IBA
2. hematoporphyrin monomethyl etherIBA
3. ArgonIBA
4. Hemoglobins (Hemoglobin)IBA
5. Melanins (Melanin)IBA
6. AcidsIBA
7. Indocyanine Green (Cardio-Green)FDA LinkGeneric
8. Latanoprost (Xalatan)FDA Link
9. Coloring Agents (Dyes)IBA
10. CollagenIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Dye Lasers
2. Lasers (Laser)
3. Photochemotherapy (Photodynamic Therapy)
4. Therapeutics
5. Laser Therapy (Surgery, Laser)