Tooth Abrasion (Abrasion, Dental)

The pathologic wearing away of the tooth substance by brushing, bruxism, clenching, and other mechanical causes. It is differentiated from TOOTH ATTRITION in that this type of wearing away is the result of tooth-to-tooth contact, as in mastication, occurring only on the occlusal, incisal, and proximal surfaces. It differs also from TOOTH EROSION, the progressive loss of the hard substance of a tooth by chemical processes not involving bacterial action. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p2)
Also Known As:
Abrasion, Dental; Abrasion, Tooth; Dental Abrasion
Networked: 38 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 7 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Tooth Erosion
2. Dental Caries (Decay, Dental)
3. Supernumerary Tooth (Supernumerary Teeth)
4. Periodontitis
5. Malocclusion (Crossbite)


1. Bueno, Tamires-de Luccas: 1 article (04/2022)
2. Honório, Heitor-Marques: 1 article (04/2022)
3. Magalhães, Ana-Carolina: 1 article (04/2022)
4. Rios, Daniela: 1 article (04/2022)
5. Rizzante, Fabio-Antonio-Piola: 1 article (04/2022)
6. da Silva, Tamires-Alves-Pereira: 1 article (04/2022)
7. Chandra, Joohi: 1 article (05/2021)
8. Haideri, Safia: 1 article (05/2021)
9. Malik, Reema: 1 article (05/2021)
10. Raj, Amit: 1 article (05/2021)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Tooth Abrasion:
1. Dentifrices (Dentifrice)IBA
2. PerliteIBA
3. Plant Oils (Vegetable Oils)IBA
4. ToothpastesIBA
5. Hygroscopic AgentsIBA
6. Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate (Delton)IBA
7. Ultra Seal XTIBA
8. PrismashieldIBA
9. proanthocyanidinIBA
10. PowdersIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Toothbrushing
2. Oral Hygiene (Dental Hygiene)
3. Dental Models
4. Therapeutics
5. Prostheses and Implants (Prosthesis)