Rheumatic Nodule

A small round or oval, mostly subcutaneous nodule made up chiefly of a mass of Aschoff bodies and seen in cases of rheumatic fever. It is differentiated from the RHEUMATOID NODULE which appears in rheumatoid arthritis, most frequently over bony prominences. (From Dorland, 27th ed)
Also Known As:
Bodies, Aschoff; Nodule, Rheumatic; Nodules, Rheumatic; Rheumatic Nodules; Aschoff Bodies
Networked: 20 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Myocarditis (Carditis)
2. Rheumatic Heart Disease (Rheumatic Heart Diseases)
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)
4. Necrosis
5. Plasma Cell Granuloma


1. Armada, Mariana: 1 article (01/2022)
2. Bianchi, María L: 1 article (01/2022)
3. Citera, Gustavo: 1 article (01/2022)
4. Ferrary, Teresita: 1 article (01/2022)
5. González, Débora A: 1 article (01/2022)
6. Isnardi, Carolina A: 1 article (01/2022)
7. Orman, Betina: 1 article (01/2022)
8. Salgado, Pablo A: 1 article (01/2022)
9. Seni, Sabrina: 1 article (01/2022)
10. Adsay, Volkan: 1 article (07/2019)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Rheumatic Nodule:
1. ParaffinIBA
2. C-Reactive ProteinIBA
3. Rheumatoid FactorIBA
4. Methotrexate (Mexate)FDA LinkGeneric
5. Amyloid (Amyloid Fibrils)IBA
6. EnzymesIBA
7. LectinsIBA
8. Leukocyte Common Antigens (CD45 Antigen)IBA
9. von Willebrand FactorIBA
10. VimentinIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics