
A nicotinic antagonist that is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and crosses the blood-brain barrier. Mecamylamine has been used as a ganglionic blocker in treating hypertension, but, like most ganglionic blockers, is more often used now as a research tool.
Also Known As:
Bicyclo(2.2.1)heptan-2-amine, N,2,3,3-tetramethyl-
Networked: 350 relevant articles (14 outcomes, 30 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Sanberg, P R: 9 articles (07/2002 - 01/2000)
2. Shytle, R D: 9 articles (07/2002 - 01/2000)
3. George, Tony P: 7 articles (12/2009 - 04/2005)
4. Sacco, Kristi A: 5 articles (03/2007 - 04/2005)
5. Vessicchio, Jennifer C: 5 articles (03/2007 - 04/2005)
6. Silver, A A: 5 articles (07/2002 - 01/2000)
7. Cooke, John P: 4 articles (01/2017 - 09/2003)
8. Termine, Angelo: 4 articles (10/2006 - 04/2005)
9. Newman, M B: 4 articles (01/2002 - 04/2001)
10. Baek, Chong Wha: 3 articles (01/2022 - 01/2016)

Related Diseases

1. Poisoning
06/18/1986 - "Since: spontaneous activity of Renshaw cells is related to the respiratory drive; persists after C7 spinal transection and after mecamylamine poisoning of the axonal recurrent pathway; and might appear before sustained phrenic activity, the assumption of a central respiratory drive impinging on the Renshaw cells has to be retained."
03/01/2019 - "Expert commentary: Efforts to demonstrate reversal and/or prevention of green tobacco sickness by mecamylamine will underscore the importance of nicotine in this illness and highlight a new medication for effective treatment of tobacco poisoning."
01/01/1988 - "Many lines of evidence support the importance of direct interactions with various sites on the AChR: 1) morphological and toxicological studies with (+) physostigmine showed that anti-ChE activity is not essential to protect animals against toxicity by irreversible ChE inhibitors; 2) (-)physostigmine is far more effective against OP poisoning; 3) open channel blockers such as mecamylamine with no significant anti-ChE activity enhance the protective action of (-)physostigmine; 4) neostigmine, pyridostigmine, (-)physostigmine and (+)physostigmine showed qualitatively and quantitatively distinct toxicity and damage to endplate morphology and function. "
01/01/1988 - "2. In prophylaxis and during the very early phase of OP poisoning, carbamates, especially (-)physostigmine combined with mecamylamine and atropine, could protect almost 100% of the animals exposed to multiple lethal doses of OPs. "
01/01/1986 - "Prophylactic Action of Hexamethonium, Trimethaphan, and Mecamylamine against Diisopropyl Fluorophosphate Poisoning in Mice. "
2. Tremor (Tremors)
3. Alcoholism (Alcohol Abuse)
4. Tobacco Use Disorder (Nicotine Dependence)
5. Tourette Syndrome (Tourette's Syndrome)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Nicotine
2. Nicotinic Receptors (Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor)
3. Physostigmine
4. Varenicline (Chantix)
5. Neostigmine (Neostigmine Bromide)
6. Pyridostigmine Bromide (Pyridostigmine)
7. Naloxone (Narcan)
8. Morphine (MS Contin)
9. Acetylcholine (Acetylcholine Chloride)
10. Haloperidol (Haldol)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Ligation
2. Self Administration (Administration, Self)
3. Therapeutics
4. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
5. Injections