
A parasitic infection caused by the nematode Loa loa. The vector in the transmission of this infection is the horsefly (Tabanus) or the deerfly or mango fly (Chrysops). The larvae may be seen just beneath the skin or passing through the conjunctiva. Eye lesions are not uncommon. The disease is generally mild and painless.
Also Known As:
Loa loa Infection; Filariasis, Loa loa; Infection, Loa loa; Loa loa Filariases; Loa loa Infections; Loaiases; Loiases; Loa loa Filariasis; Loaiasis
Networked: 225 relevant articles (9 outcomes, 20 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Onchocerciasis
2. Infections
3. Coinfection
4. Eosinophilia
5. Babesiosis (Piroplasmosis)


1. Wanji, Samuel: 18 articles (01/2021 - 05/2003)
2. Nutman, Thomas B: 10 articles (10/2021 - 01/2003)
3. Taylor, Mark J: 10 articles (01/2021 - 04/2005)
4. Boussinesq, Michel: 8 articles (01/2022 - 05/2011)
5. Hoerauf, Achim: 8 articles (01/2022 - 01/2009)
6. Kamgno, Joseph: 8 articles (12/2020 - 08/2011)
7. Turner, Joseph D: 7 articles (01/2021 - 04/2010)
8. Kelly-Hope, Louise A: 7 articles (02/2018 - 09/2011)
9. Molyneux, David H: 7 articles (02/2018 - 09/2011)
10. Weil, Gary J: 6 articles (03/2022 - 12/2014)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Loiasis:
1. Ivermectin (Mectizan)FDA Link
2. Diethylcarbamazine (Hetrazan)FDA Link
3. Albendazole (Albenza)FDA Link
4. Levamisole (Decaris)FDA Link
5. Adrenal Cortex Hormones (Corticosteroids)IBA
6. Immunoglobulin G (IgG)IBA
7. Doxycycline (Periostat)FDA LinkGeneric
8. AntigensIBA
9. Immunoglobulin E (IgE)IBA
03/01/2014 - "IgE titres were higher in patients with microscopic dual-infection and in the group of patients with occult loiasis plus M. "
03/01/1991 - "The geometric mean number of IgE-secreting cells in 10(5) B lymphocytes in PBMC was 0.42 (range 0-2.2) in normal persons, 5.6 (range 0.1-35.5) among patients with loiasis, 9.4 (range 0-53.2) among patients with lymphatic filariasis, 52 (range 31.5-115) among patients with TPE, and 218 (range 56-1404) among patients with HIE. "
03/01/1991 - "To assess whether elevated serum IgE levels result from an increased number of B lymphocytes committed to IgE production, the proportion of IgE-producing B lymphocytes was determined by a filter immunoplaque assay using PBMC from persons with a broad range of serum IgE levels that included normal persons (n = 9) and patients with loiasis (n = 12), tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE) (n = 6), lymphatic filariasis (n = 28), and HIE (n = 8). "
03/01/1988 - "The usual clinical picture of loiasis in long-term visitors to endemic areas differs from that in residents of these areas, with allergic symptoms, hypergammaglobulinemia, profound hypereosinophilia, and increased serum levels of IgE being more prominent. "
01/01/2022 - "An interesting finding reported in several studies is that 70% of individuals with loiasis do not carry microfilariae in their blood, and 30% are microfilaremic, suggesting the involvement of several immunological mechanisms, as shown by elevated specific IgG4 and IgE levels signifying a potential cross-linking mechanism between the two isotypes via L. "
10. Complex MixturesIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Blood Component Removal (Apheresis)
2. Chemoprevention
3. Mass Drug Administration
4. Therapeutics
5. Aftercare (After-Treatment)