Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis

A herpesvirus infection of CATTLE characterized by INFLAMMATION and NECROSIS of the mucous membranes of the upper RESPIRATORY TRACT.
Also Known As:
Bovine Rhinotracheitides, Infectious; Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Infectious; Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitides; Rhinotracheitides, Infectious Bovine; Rhinotracheitis, Infectious Bovine
Networked: 243 relevant articles (13 outcomes, 23 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Paramyxoviridae Infections (Parainfluenza)
2. Diarrhea
3. Infections
4. Leptospirosis
5. Brucellosis (Malta Fever)


1. Iscaro, Carmen: 2 articles (01/2020 - 01/2019)
2. Petrini, Stefano: 2 articles (01/2020 - 01/2019)
3. Righi, Cecilia: 2 articles (01/2020 - 01/2019)
4. Waldner, Cheryl L: 2 articles (01/2019 - 07/2008)
5. Srinivasan, Villuppanoor Alwar: 2 articles (01/2018 - 06/2009)
6. Gershwin, Laurel J: 2 articles (12/2017 - 01/2015)
7. Kim, JaeWoo: 2 articles (12/2017 - 01/2015)
8. Neibergs, Holly L: 2 articles (12/2017 - 01/2015)
9. Schnabel, Robert D: 2 articles (12/2017 - 01/2015)
10. Seabury, Christopher M: 2 articles (12/2017 - 01/2015)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis:
1. VaccinesIBA
2. Combined VaccinesIBA
3. Inactivated VaccinesIBA
4. Bacterial VaccinesIBA
03/01/1984 - "somnus bacterin, pasteurella bacterin or the porcine tissue culture infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-parainfluenza type 3 vaccine had a significant effect on treatment rates for respiratory disease. "
02/01/1982 - "Vaccines against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), bovine parainfluenza-3 (PI-3), and bacterin against Pasteurella hemolytica and P. "
01/01/2007 - "Replacement heifers (N=799; 10 to 13 months of age) were vaccinated with Vista 5 L5 SQ (Intervet; a reconstituted vaccine-bacterin product containing modified-live cultures of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis [IBR] virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus [BVDV; types 1 and 2], parainfluenza-3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus and inactivated cultures of Leptospira serovars canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, and pomona with a proprietary adjuvant) at either 40 plus/minus 5 days (control; n=399) or 3 days (test; n=400) before peak breeding day. "
04/01/1997 - "The administered vaccine consisted of modified live virus for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza and bovine viral diarrhea, with 5-way bacterin for leptospirosis and bacterin for vibriosis. "
03/01/1984 - "A field trial to investigate the efficacy of vitamins ADE, a Haemophilus somnus bacterin, a pasteurella bacterin, and two intranasal infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-parainfluenza type 3 vaccines administered to beef calves at least three weeks prior to weaning and shipment was conducted.Over"
5. Antiviral Agents (Antivirals)IBA
6. VitaminsIBA
7. Peptide Hydrolases (Proteases)FDA Link
8. Aprotinin (Trasylol)FDA Link
9. Dosage Forms (Dosage Form)IBA
10. Neutralizing AntibodiesIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Injections
01/01/1986 - "At wk 12, serum from calves given the high amount of oral supplementation and calves given injections inhibited infectious bovine rhinotracheitis viral replication in tissue cultures as compared with those of unsupplemented calves. "
09/01/2018 - "A total of 468 calves from 3 herds were enrolled and randomized into 3 treatment groups (positive control, PC, n = 211; intranasal vaccine, IN, n = 215; negative control, NC, n = 42) and followed for 8 to 12 wk. The PC consisted of one dose of commercially available multivalent injectable vaccine against bovine respiratory syncytial virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza 3, and bovine viral diarrhea administered subcutaneously at 6 wk of age. "
07/01/1979 - "Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IBR/IPV) is probably a venereal disease because virgin wildebeest did not develop vulvovaginitis after betamethasone injections, nor was the virus transmitted to these virgin wildebeest and steers which were in pen contact with the affected animals. "
02/01/2009 - "On May 19, 2006 (d 0), steers were administered one of the following treatment injections: a standard Biobullet containing 100 mg of ceftiofur sodium (Naxel, Pfizer Inc., New York, NY); a traditional needle and syringe dose of ceftiofur sodium; a standard Biobullet containing BallistiVac infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR; Titanium 5, SolidTech Animal Health, Newcastle, OK); a traditional needle and syringe dose of IBR; a traditional needle and syringe dose of Vira Shield 5 (Grand Laboratories Inc., Freeman, SD); a standard placebo Biobullet; or a traditional needle and syringe dose of sterile water. "
12/01/2000 - "Horses received 2 IM injections at 2-week intervals of a vaccine containing inactivated infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhea, and parainfluenza-3 viral antigens and were then randomly assigned to 2 groups. "
3. Intramuscular Injections
4. Nebulizers and Vaporizers (Inhaler)
5. Aftercare (After-Treatment)