Hearing Aids (Hearing Aid)

Wearable sound-amplifying devices that are intended to compensate for impaired hearing. These generic devices include air-conduction hearing aids and bone-conduction hearing aids. (UMDNS, 1999)
Also Known As:
Hearing Aid; Aid, Hearing; Aids, Hearing; Ear Molds, Hearing Aid
Networked: 3604 relevant articles (238 outcomes, 596 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Hickson, Louise: 34 articles (07/2022 - 07/2003)
2. Snik, Ad F M: 25 articles (01/2020 - 01/2002)
3. Lin, Frank R: 24 articles (02/2022 - 05/2011)
4. Mylanus, Emmanuel A M: 22 articles (10/2020 - 01/2002)
5. Lunner, Thomas: 21 articles (11/2020 - 07/2003)
6. Cremers, Cor W R J: 21 articles (03/2013 - 01/2002)
7. Moore, Brian C J: 19 articles (01/2022 - 01/2003)
8. Rönnberg, Jerker: 18 articles (09/2022 - 10/2009)
9. Ching, Teresa Y C: 18 articles (07/2022 - 01/2006)
10. Munro, Kevin J: 17 articles (05/2022 - 11/2011)

Related Diseases

1. Hearing Loss (Hearing Impairment)
2. Tinnitus
3. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
4. Deafness (Deaf Mutism)
01/01/2020 - "For those with single-sided deafness in whom cochlear implantation is contraindicated, bone-conduction implants when compared with no intervention provide clinically important functional gains in hearing thresholds (36-41 dB improvement in pure tone audiometry and 38-56 dB improvement in speech reception threshold, P < .05; GRADE: Moderate) and improve speech perception in noise (signal-to-noise ratio -2.0 vs. 0.6, P < .05 for active percutaneous devices; signal-to-noise ratio improved by 1.3-2.5 dB, P < .05 for active transcutaneous devices; GRADE: Moderate) and hearing-specific quality of life (Abbreviated Profile for Hearing Aid Benefit, ease of communication: 12%-53% vs. 24%-59%; background noise: 18%-48% vs. 33%-79%; listening in reverberant condition: 26%-55% vs. 41%-65%, P < .05 [active percutaneous devices]; ease of communication: 7% vs. 20%; background noise: 46% vs. 69%; listening in reverberant condition: 27% vs. 43%; P < .05 [active transcutaneous devices]; Children's Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties score 7.3 vs. 3.4; P < .05 [passive transcutaneous devices]; GRADE: Moderate). "
08/01/1996 - "This study has shown that in this preselected group of children with persistent OME and the predominant symptom of deafness, a hearing aid was an effective treatment for their deafness with high acceptance and compliance."
10/01/2016 - "Bone-anchored hearing aid has been shown to be effective in hearing rehabilitation for conductive loss or single-sided deafness. "
01/01/2014 - "The current trial was designed to assess the efficacy of cochlear implantation compared to a contra-lateral routing of signals hearing aid in restoring binaural hearing in adults with acquired single-sided deafness. "
01/01/2017 - "Efficacy of Bone-Anchored Hearing Aids in Single-Sided Deafness: A Systematic Review."
5. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Silver Sulfadiazine (SSD)
2. Solutions
3. Antidepressive Agents (Antidepressants)
4. Ginkgo biloba extract (Rokan)
5. Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
6. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
7. Diazepam (Valium)
8. Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)
9. N 30
10. Cytokines

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Hearing Aids (Hearing Aid)
2. Cochlear Implants (Cochlear Implant)
3. Cochlear Implantation
4. Therapeutics
5. Correction of Hearing Impairment