Dental Fissures

Naturally occurring deep grooves or clefts in the surface of teeth equivalent to class 1 cavities in Black's classification of dental caries.
Also Known As:
Dental Fissure; Fissure, Dental; Fissures, Dental
Networked: 12 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Colorectal Neoplasms (Colorectal Cancer)
2. Glaucoma
3. Down Syndrome (Down's Syndrome)


1. Tan, Hong: 2 articles (04/2009 - 12/2007)
2. Ye, Ling: 2 articles (04/2009 - 12/2007)
3. Asensio-Acevedo, Ramón: 1 article (01/2021)
4. García-Guerrero, Iván: 1 article (01/2021)
5. Gómez-De-Diego, Rafael: 1 article (01/2021)
6. Moreno-Perez, Jesus: 1 article (01/2021)
7. Ortega-Concepción, Daniel: 1 article (01/2021)
8. Peña-Cardelles, Juan-Francisco: 1 article (01/2021)
9. Sánchez, Ana-Pascual: 1 article (01/2021)
10. Dionysopoulos, D: 1 article (02/2016)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Dental Fissures:
1. Pit and Fissure Sealants (Dental Sealants)IBA
2. ChlorhexidineIBA
3. FluoridesIBA
4. SteamIBA
5. Dental Implants (Dental Implant)IBA
6. Surface-Active Agents (Surfactants)IBA
7. MercuryIBA
8. CausticsIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Synchrotrons
2. Autologous Transplantation
3. Oral Hygiene (Dental Hygiene)