Closed Fracture Reduction

A procedure in which normal alignment of a fractured bone is restored by ORTHOPEDIC MANIPULATION without incision.
Also Known As:
Closed Reduction, Fracture; Closed Fracture Reductions; Fracture Closed Reduction; Fracture Closed Reductions; Fracture Reduction, Closed; Fracture Reductions, Closed; Reduction, Fracture Closed; Reductions, Fracture Closed
Networked: 15 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Ham, Wietske H W: 1 article (06/2022)
2. Huijsmans, Roel L N: 1 article (06/2022)
3. Leenen, Luke P H: 1 article (06/2022)
4. Maarseveen, Oscar E C van: 1 article (06/2022)
5. Cottet, Philippe: 1 article (03/2020)
6. Fehlmann, Christophe: 1 article (03/2020)
7. Lojo Rial, Carlos: 1 article (03/2020)
8. Ozainne, Florian: 1 article (03/2020)
9. Von Düring, Stephan: 1 article (03/2020)
10. Wu, Yun: 1 article (01/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Compression Fractures (Compression Fracture)
2. Wrist Fractures
3. Pain (Aches)
4. Lacerations
5. Hematoma

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Catheters
2. Conscious Sedation
3. Chest Tubes (Chest Tube)
4. Traction
5. Operative Surgical Procedures