Septic Abortion

Any type of abortion, induced or spontaneous, that is associated with infection of the UTERUS and its appendages. It is characterized by FEVER, uterine tenderness, and foul discharge.
Also Known As:
Abortion, Septic; Abortions, Septic; Septic Abortions
Networked: 168 relevant articles (9 outcomes, 6 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Abscess
2. Uterine Perforation
3. Infections
4. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
5. Abruptio Placentae (Placental Abruption)


1. Jim, Belinda: 2 articles (12/2019 - 03/2018)
2. Savaris, Ricardo F: 2 articles (11/2013 - 04/2011)
3. Aisemberg, J: 2 articles (06/2009 - 05/2007)
4. Billi, S: 2 articles (06/2009 - 05/2007)
5. Franchi, A M: 2 articles (06/2009 - 05/2007)
6. Ribeiro, M L: 2 articles (06/2009 - 05/2007)
7. Gurung, Geeta: 2 articles (04/2009 - 02/2004)
8. Pradhan, Neelam: 2 articles (04/2009 - 02/2004)
9. Rana, Ashma: 2 articles (04/2009 - 02/2004)
10. Kessel, E: 2 articles (12/2003 - 10/2003)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Septic Abortion:
1. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)IBA
2. Amikacin (A.M.K)FDA LinkGeneric
3. Cefoxitin (Cefoxitin Sodium)FDA LinkGeneric
4. Anti-Infective Agents (Microbicides)IBA
5. LipopolysaccharidesIBA
6. Fibrinogen (Factor I)FDA Link
7. Heparin (Liquaemin)FDA LinkGeneric
8. Dacarbazine (DIC)FDA LinkGeneric
9. Clindamycin (Cleocin)FDA LinkGeneric
10. EnzymesIBA
04/01/2009 - "Direct cause was led by infections (n=23, 27.7%): 15 septic abortions (two [2.4%] spontaneous and 13 [15.6%] induced; seven of these occurred in 1997-2001); along with seven (8.6%) cases of puerperal sepsis; a case of antenatal septic shock; and a case of hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, and low platelet count syndrome. "
12/01/2019 - "Septic abortion, hyperemesis gravidarum, and hemorrhage have become less prevalent with access to healthcare but are being displaced by thrombotic microangiopathies, such as preeclampsia, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and pregnancy-associated hemolytic-uremic syndromes, as well as acute fatty liver of pregnancy. "
11/01/1969 - "[Tetracycline-enzymes in septic abortion]."
10/01/2009 - "Postpartum haemorrhage was present in 14 (23.33%), postpartum haemorrhage and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in 11 (18.33%), eclampsia-preeclampsia in 8 (13.33%), antepartum haemorrhage in 8 (13.33%), antepartum haemorrhage with DIC in 6 (10%), DIC alone in 4 (6.66%), obstructed labour in 3 (5%), septic abortion in 3 (3.33%), HELLP (haemolysis elevated liver enzyme and low platelet) in 2 (3.33%), urinary tract infection with sepsis in 1 (1.66%) and puerperal sepsis in 1 (1.66%). "
10/01/2015 - "Obstetrical DIC has been associated with a series of pregnancy complications including the following: (1) acute peripartum hemorrhage (uterine atony, cervical and vaginal lacerations, and uterine rupture); (2) placental abruption; (3) preeclampsia/eclampsia/hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome; (4) retained stillbirth; (5) septic abortion and intrauterine infection; (6) amniotic fluid embolism; and (7) acute fatty liver of pregnancy. "

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Contraception (Birth Control)
3. Legal Abortion (Legal Abortions)
4. Hysterectomy
5. Curettage