Fetal hydantoin syndrome

Also Known As:
Dilantin Embryopathy; Phenytoin Embryopathy
Networked: 47 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
2. Facies
3. Neuroblastoma
4. Fetal Diseases (Embryopathy)
5. Warfarin syndrome


1. Scheinfeld, Noah: 2 articles (11/2004 - 08/2003)
2. Natsis, Stavros: 1 article (05/2016)
3. Pachis, Nikos: 1 article (05/2016)
4. Voumvourakis, Costas: 1 article (05/2016)
5. Yapijakis, Christos: 1 article (05/2016)
6. Bhatia, H P: 1 article (01/2016)
7. Mohan, A: 1 article (01/2016)
8. Sharma, N: 1 article (01/2016)
9. Singh, A: 1 article (01/2016)
10. Arora, Sakshi: 1 article (01/2012)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Fetal hydantoin syndrome:
1. Glutathione Reductase (Glutathione-Disulfide Reductase)IBA
2. Carmustine (FIVB)FDA Link
3. Phenytoin (Dilantin)FDA LinkGeneric
4. buthionineIBA
5. diethyl maleateIBA
6. Anticonvulsants (Antiepileptic Drugs)IBA
7. HydantoinsIBA
8. Folic Acid (Vitamin M)FDA LinkGeneric
9. Epoxide HydrolasesIBA
10. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Anesthesia