Thiopurine S methyltranferase deficiency

A hereditary autosomal recessive condition that results in an increased sensitivity to 6-MERCAPTOPURINE due to mutations in thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT gene) causing decreased enzyme activity. OMIM: 187680
Also Known As:
6 alpha mercaptopurine sensitivity; TPMT deficiency; Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase Deficiency; Thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency; Thiopurines, poor metabolism of
Networked: 63 relevant articles (3 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia)
2. Cardiotoxicity
3. Febrile Neutropenia
4. Crohn Disease (Crohn's Disease)
5. Body Weight (Weight, Body)


1. Barclay, Murray L: 4 articles (07/2015 - 01/2006)
2. Arenas-Hernandez, Monica: 2 articles (01/2020 - 11/2012)
3. Marinaki, Anthony M: 2 articles (01/2020 - 03/2004)
4. Wong, Dennis R: 2 articles (12/2019 - 02/2017)
5. Schuetz, John D: 2 articles (08/2017 - 07/2008)
6. Roberts, Rebecca L: 2 articles (07/2015 - 10/2012)
7. Oellerich, Michael: 2 articles (10/2012 - 12/2005)
8. von Ahsen, Nicolas: 2 articles (10/2012 - 12/2005)
9. Marinaki, A: 2 articles (06/2011 - 10/2002)
10. Czaja, Albert J: 2 articles (05/2007 - 05/2006)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Thiopurine S methyltranferase deficiency:
1. Azathioprine (Imuran)FDA LinkGeneric
2. 2-mercaptopurineIBA
3. Mercaptopurine (6 Mercaptopurine)FDA LinkGeneric
4. Methotrexate (Mexate)FDA LinkGeneric
5. Dexrazoxane (Zinecard)FDA LinkGeneric
6. AnthracyclinesIBA
7. Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF)IBA
8. Podophyllotoxin (Condylox)FDA LinkGeneric
9. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
10. Inosine TriphosphataseIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Remission Induction
3. Length of Stay
4. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
5. Immunomodulation