X-linked Angioma serpiginosum

A rare benign congenital skin disorder characterized by nonpurpuric red punctate lesions that correspond to capillary ECTASIA in the superficial papillary dermis. The lesions often follow Blaschko lines (usually invisible lines on the skin that trace cell migration paths during embryonic development) and most commonly occur in females. OMIM: 300652
Also Known As:
Angioma serpiginosum, X-linked; Angioma serpiginosum
Networked: 7 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results


1. Kim, Hei Sung: 1 article (11/2014)
2. Kim, Hyree: 1 article (11/2014)
3. Rho, Nark Kyoung: 1 article (11/2014)
4. August, P J: 1 article (07/2009)
5. Ferguson, J E: 1 article (07/2009)
6. Madan, V: 1 article (07/2009)
7. Bayramgurler, Dilek: 1 article (11/2008)
8. Filinte, Deniz: 1 article (11/2008)
9. Kiran, Rebiay: 1 article (11/2008)
10. Akarsu, Sevgi: 1 article (04/2006)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to X-linked Angioma serpiginosum:
1. Estrogens (Estrogen)FDA Link
2. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)IBA
3. Progesterone Receptors (Progesterone Receptor)IBA
4. potassium titanylphosphateIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Dye Lasers
2. Solid-State Lasers