familial Joint laxity

An autosomal dominant disorder formerly classified as a type of EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME and characterized by joint laxity, recurrent joint dislocation, congenital hip dislocation, and patella dislocation. OMIM: 147900
Also Known As:
Joint laxity, familial; Articular hypermobility syndrome; Familial joint instability syndrome; Joint instability syndrome
Networked: 2 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Type IV Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
2. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type 3

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to familial Joint laxity:
1. Collagen Type III (Type III Collagen)IBA
2. Serine (L-Serine)FDA Link
3. ProgesteroneFDA LinkGeneric
4. Glycine (Aminoacetic Acid)FDA LinkGeneric