Absent corpus callosum cataract immunodeficiency

Immunodeficiency with cleft lip/palate, cataract, hypopigmentation, and absent corpus callosum
Also Known As:
Vici syndrome
Networked: 18 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Infections
2. Vacuolar myopathy
3. Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities (Congenital Disorders)
4. Glycogen Storage Disease Type IIb
5. Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia


1. Ebrahimi-Fakhari, Darius: 4 articles (01/2019 - 02/2016)
2. Dionisi-Vici, Carlo: 3 articles (01/2021 - 02/2012)
3. Coşkun, Turgay: 2 articles (01/2021 - 01/2020)
4. Flanigan, Kevin M: 2 articles (01/2018 - 03/2016)
5. Chen, Yingyu: 2 articles (12/2016 - 01/2016)
6. Miao, Guangyan: 2 articles (12/2016 - 01/2016)
7. Zhang, Hong: 2 articles (12/2016 - 01/2016)
8. Byrne, Susan: 2 articles (03/2016 - 02/2016)
9. Hoffmann, Georg F: 2 articles (03/2016 - 02/2016)
10. Jungbluth, Heinz: 2 articles (03/2016 - 02/2016)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Absent corpus callosum cataract immunodeficiency:
1. Immunoglobulins (Immunoglobulin)IBA
2. GlycogenIBA
3. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
4. Messenger RNA (mRNA)IBA
5. Inosine Triphosphate (ITP)IBA
6. Autophagy-Related Protein 5IBA
7. UbiquitinIBA
8. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)IBA
9. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)IBA
10. Nucleic AcidsIBA