benzaldehyde semicarbazone

has antinociceptive, antiedematogenic and antiangiogenic effects; structure in first source
Also Known As:
BS compound
Networked: 3 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Beraldo, Heloisa: 2 articles (04/2012 - 06/2006)
2. Coelho, Márcio M: 2 articles (04/2012 - 06/2006)
3. Bastos, Leandro F S: 1 article (04/2012)
4. Costa, Fernanda B: 1 article (04/2012)
5. Ferreira, Wallace C: 1 article (04/2012)
6. Lessa, Josane A: 1 article (04/2012)
7. Rocha, Willian R: 1 article (04/2012)
8. Vieira, Rafael P: 1 article (04/2012)
9. Andrade, Sílvia P: 1 article (06/2006)
10. Araújo, Fernanda: 1 article (06/2006)

Related Diseases

1. Edema (Dropsy)
2. Fetal Death

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Dinoprostone (PGE2)
2. Zymosan
3. Progesterone
4. Formaldehyde (Formol)
5. Estradiol (Delestrogen)
6. Esters
7. Carrageenan
8. Anticonvulsants (Antiepileptic Drugs)