sanggenone C

inhibits TNF-alpha-stimulated adhesion between polymorphonuclear lymphocytes and synovial cells; structure in first source
Also Known As:
cathayanon E; sanggenon C
Networked: 10 relevant articles (3 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Zhou, Ping: 2 articles (09/2017 - 01/2011)
2. Xu, Jingfeng: 1 article (08/2020)
3. Zhao, Yilei: 1 article (08/2020)
4. Chen, Lin: 1 article (09/2018)
5. Feng, Tingting: 1 article (09/2018)
6. Guo, Donggui: 1 article (09/2018)
7. Wang, Huijuan: 1 article (09/2018)
8. Zhang, Min: 1 article (09/2018)
9. Zhou, Ying: 1 article (09/2018)
10. Chen, Yang: 1 article (10/2017)

Related Diseases

1. Inflammation (Inflammations)
2. Reperfusion Injury
3. Osteoporosis
4. Cardiomegaly (Heart Hypertrophy)
5. Fibrosis (Cirrhosis)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Calcineurin
2. Prednisone (Sone)
3. Flavonoids
4. Ubiquitinated Proteins
5. Caspase 9
6. Caspase 3 (Caspase-3)
7. TNF Receptor-Associated Factor 2 (TRAF2)
8. Proteasome Endopeptidase Complex (Proteasome)
9. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
10. Chymotrypsin