pegylated zinc protoporphyrin

significantly reduces tumor growth in rat model
Also Known As:
Networked: 7 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Fang, Jun: 3 articles (08/2007 - 07/2003)
2. Maeda, Hiroshi: 3 articles (08/2007 - 07/2003)
3. Fang, J: 2 articles (08/2007 - 09/2002)
4. Greish, Khaled: 2 articles (08/2007 - 03/2004)
5. Maeda, H: 2 articles (03/2007 - 09/2002)
6. Akaike, Takaaki: 2 articles (03/2004 - 07/2003)
7. Sawa, Tomohiro: 2 articles (03/2004 - 07/2003)
8. Iyer, A K: 1 article (08/2007)
9. Iyer, Arun K: 1 article (08/2007)
10. Nakamura, H: 1 article (08/2007)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. T-Cell Leukemia (Leukemia, T Cell)
3. Sarcoma 180
4. Ovarian Neoplasms (Ovarian Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Enzymes
2. Ethylene Glycol (Monoethylene Glycol)
3. zinc protoporphyrin
4. pegylated zinc protoporphyrin
5. Heme Oxygenase (Decyclizing) (Heme Oxygenase)
6. copoly(styrene-maleic acid)-zinc protoporphyrin
7. Reactive Oxygen Species (Oxygen Radicals)
8. Oxidants (Oxidizing Agents)
9. Proline (L-Proline)
10. D-Amino-Acid Oxidase (D-Amino Acid Dehydrogenase)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Intravenous Administration
2. Therapeutics