Arabidopsis AHB1 protein

Non-symbiotic hemoglobin 1, found in other plant species; isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana; may not function as an oxygen storage or transport protein, but might act as an oxygen sensor or play a role in electron transfer, possibly to a bound oxygen molecule; has an unusually high affinity for O(2) because of a very low dissociation constant; amino acid sequence in first source; GenBank U94998
Also Known As:
AHB1 protein, Arabidopsis; At2g16060 protein, Arabidopsis; AtPgb1 protein, Arabidopsis; GLB1 protein, Arabidopsis; NSHB1 protein, Arabidopsis; class 1 hemoglobin, Arabidopsis; class 1 phytoglobin protein, Arabidopsis; non-symbiotic hemoglobin 1 protein, Arabidopsis; phytoglobin 1 protein, Arabidopsis
Networked: 0 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results