Human immunodeficiency virus 2 reverse transcriptase

responsible for synthesis of double-stranded DNA from the genomic RNA of the virus; has RNAse H and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activities; was indexed as REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE (87-91)
Also Known As:
reverse transcriptase, Human immunodeficiency virus 2; HIV-2 reverse transcriptase; HIV-2 reverse transcriptase p51; HIV-2 reverse transcriptase p66; p51 pol gene product, HIV-2; p51 reverse transcriptase, HIV-2; p51 reverse transcriptase, HIV-II; p51 reverse transcriptase, Human immnuodecificiency virus 2; p51 reverse transcriptase, human immnuodecificiency virus type 2; p66 pol gene product, HIV-2; p66 reverse transcriptase, HIV-2; p66 reverse transcriptase, Human immnuodecificiency virus 2; p66 reverse transcriptase, human immnuodecificiency virus type 2; reverse transcriptase, HIV-2; reverse transcriptase, human immunodeficiency virus type 2
Networked: 0 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results