Diff Quik

solution I contains L-xanthene, solution II contains azure A and methylene blue
Also Known As:
Diff Quik stain
Networked: 104 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Kim, Dae Yong: 3 articles (06/2009 - 08/2006)
2. Ro, Jai Youl: 3 articles (06/2009 - 08/2006)
3. Bárcena, Carmen: 2 articles (01/2021 - 10/2016)
4. Krishnamurthy, Savitri: 2 articles (04/2016 - 04/2004)
5. Yang, Grace C H: 2 articles (10/2010 - 09/2006)
6. Lee, Yun Song: 2 articles (02/2007 - 08/2006)
7. Carney, J Aidan: 2 articles (10/2004 - 07/2004)
8. Casey, Mary B: 2 articles (10/2004 - 07/2004)
9. Sebo, Thomas J: 2 articles (10/2004 - 07/2004)
10. Siddiqui, M T: 2 articles (06/2001 - 02/2001)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
3. Infections
4. Cysts
01/01/2009 - "The studies were undertaken to check the possibility of a long-term in vitro cultivation of Pneumocystis obtained from immunosuppressed rats using slightly modified method of Merali et al. The growth of Pneumocystis in the established axenic cultures was examined by counting the number of cysts in Giemsa and Diff-Quik stained preparations or by estimating the number of DNA copies with a real-time PCR method. "
08/01/1988 - "The combination of a cyst-wall stain with Diff-Quik allowed visualization of cysts, highlighted by the cyst-wall stain, and aggregate area, delineated by the Diff-Quik, allowing expression of number of cysts per aggregate area, a measure termed cyst density."
08/01/1988 - "Cysts were difficult to recognize on Diff-Quik due to the negatively staining character of the cyst wall with this stain. "
03/01/1989 - "Cyst density was determined by staining an aggregate with a cyst-specific stain, such as toluidine blue, and counterstaining with Diff-Quik, allowing simultaneous visualization of cysts and aggregate area. "
08/01/1988 - "To determine whether accurate quantification of Pneumocystis carinii cysts in sputum is possible using currently available means and to determine the optimal stain for screening sputum for P carinii, we undertook a comparative evaluation of readily available stains: (1) Diff-Quik, a stain that provides tinctorial detail comparable with Giemsa, (2) toluidine blue, and (3) silver methenamine on simultaneously thawed sputum samples containing P carinii. "
5. Inflammation (Inflammations)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
2. Hematoxylin (Haematoxylon)
3. Eosine Yellowish-(YS) (Eosin)
4. Coloring Agents (Dyes)
5. Periodic Acid
6. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs)
7. NF-kappa B (NF-kB)
8. Cytokines
9. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
10. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Punctures