
a 32-amino acid peptide derived from (95-126 residues) of ANP PROHORMONE (1-126 residues); not biologically inactivated by a peptidase from dog kidney cortex membranes
Also Known As:
ANF (95-126); ANP (95-126); atrial natriuretic factor prohormone (95-126); atrial natriuretic peptide (95-126); atriopeptin (95-126); urodilatin
Networked: 83 relevant articles (7 outcomes, 31 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Meyer, Markus: 6 articles (11/2021 - 06/2003)
2. Mitrovic, Veselin: 5 articles (12/2018 - 12/2005)
3. Holzmeister, Johannes: 4 articles (11/2021 - 09/2015)
4. Mebazaa, Alexandre: 4 articles (11/2019 - 07/2008)
5. Forssmann, Wolf-Georg: 4 articles (12/2018 - 12/2005)
6. Filippatos, Gerasimos: 3 articles (01/2017 - 03/2015)
7. Peacock, W Frank: 3 articles (01/2017 - 07/2008)
8. Ponikowski, Piotr: 3 articles (01/2017 - 03/2015)
9. Lüss, Hartmut: 3 articles (06/2008 - 12/2005)
10. Heringlake, Matthias: 2 articles (11/2019 - 01/2009)

Related Diseases

1. Heart Failure
2. Ascites
3. Ischemia
4. Necrosis
5. Hyperventilation

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Ularitide
2. Natriuretic Peptides
3. Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)
4. Diuretics
5. Hormones (Hormone)
6. atrial natriuretic factor precursor (79-98)
7. atrial natriuretic factor prohormone (31-67)
8. human atrial natriuretic factor prohormone (1-30)
9. Sodium
10. Brain Natriuretic Peptide (Natrecor)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Intravenous Infusions
3. Liver Transplantation
4. Organ Transplantation
5. Renal Replacement Therapy (Therapies, Renal Replacement)