hemoglobin New York

Val replaced by Glu at position 113(G15) on beta chain
Also Known As:
Hb New York; Hemoglobin New York
Networked: 12 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Cheng, Zhuru: 1 article (07/2022)
2. Feng, Qiao: 1 article (07/2022)
3. Tan, Shengkui: 1 article (07/2022)
4. Tian, Baodong: 1 article (07/2022)
5. Zeng, Dan: 1 article (07/2022)
6. Zheng, Haiqing: 1 article (07/2022)
7. Zhu, Chunjiang: 1 article (07/2022)
8. Zhu, Xiaonian: 1 article (07/2022)
9. Fan, Shushu: 1 article (11/2021)
10. Guo, Yanle: 1 article (11/2021)

Related Diseases

1. Thalassemia
2. Hemoglobinopathies
3. beta-Thalassemia (Cooley's Anemia)
4. alpha-Thalassemia
5. Anemia

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Hemoglobins (Hemoglobin)
2. hemoglobin Q Thailand
3. hemoglobin G-Taipei
4. hemoglobin G Coushatta
5. hemoglobin New York
6. hemoglobin J Bangkok
7. Sickle Hemoglobin
8. Codon (Codons)
9. hemoglobin Siam
10. hemoglobin Chinese

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Blood Transfusion (Blood Transfusions)
2. Therapeutic Abortion