
more effective than chloroquine; RN given refers to tetraphosphate salt; structure in first source
Also Known As:
hydroxypiperaquine phosphate
Networked: 5 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Li, T: 1 article (07/2016)
2. Wang, H Q: 1 article (07/2016)

Related Diseases

1. Respiratory Tract Infections (Respiratory Tract Infection)
07/20/2016 - "The medication modes were divided into four categories, monotherapy (such as polyvinylpyridine, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate, Xifeining and Xinin) , combination of tetrandrine with other drugs, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate and aluminium citrate, and lung lavage (added medications) ; the analysis indicated that the patients in the treatment group were obviously superior to those in the control group in terms of the improvement rate of respiratory system symptoms, the decrease rate of the respiratory tract infection, ΔFEV1.0%, the improvement rate of shadows as indicated in the X-ray chest film and the index of stability (P<0.01) ; after the mean values of the control group were deducted, the improvement rate of symptoms of the respiratory system within the treatment period of the patients with pneumoconiosis increased by 34.6% (95% CI 32.9%, 36.3%) in average, the mean value of the decrease in the respiratory tract infection rate was 26.0% (95% CI 24.0%, 28.0%) , the mean value of ΔFEV1.0% was 4.08 (95% CI 3.56, 4.60) , the improvement rate in X-ray chest film increased by 8.80% (95% CI 8.55%, 9.05%) in average, and the index of stability in the X-ray chest film increased by 10.6% (95% CI 9.18%, 12.0%) ; one-way analysis of variance indicated the presence of statistical difference in terms of efficacy of four categories of medication modes (Fthe improvement rate of symptoms of the respiratory system=482.2, P<0.01; Fthe decrease in the respiratory tract infection rate=72.01, P<0.01; FΔFEV1.0%=246.6, P<0.01; Fthe index of stability in the X-ray chest film=212.9, P<0.01; Fthe improvement rate of X-ray chest film=466.6, P<0.01) . "
07/20/2016 - "1, 2016 including polyvinylpyridine, tetrandrine, piperaquine phosphate, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate, aluminium citrate, Xinin, Xifeining and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) after consulting the related project files on the clinical treatment on the patients with pneumoconiosis, and a systematic analysis was made on the random control test (RCT) which conformed to the quality criteria in terms of five indices such as the improvement rate of respiratory system symptoms such as cough, expectoration, chest pain and dyspnea, the decrease of the respiratory system infection rate, the changes in FEV1.0% (forced expired volume in one second to forced vital capacity ratio) (ΔFEV1.0%) , index of stability and improvement rate of chest X-ray, and adverse reactions as well as the summary of descriptive efficacy. "
2. Pneumoconiosis
07/20/2016 - "Conclusion: Drugs such as polyvinylpyridine, tetrandrine, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate, aluminium citrate, Xinin, Xifeining and NAC have some efficacy in the treatment of pneumoconiosis. "
07/20/2016 - "The medication modes were divided into four categories, monotherapy (such as polyvinylpyridine, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate, Xifeining and Xinin) , combination of tetrandrine with other drugs, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate and aluminium citrate, and lung lavage (added medications) ; the analysis indicated that the patients in the treatment group were obviously superior to those in the control group in terms of the improvement rate of respiratory system symptoms, the decrease rate of the respiratory tract infection, ΔFEV1.0%, the improvement rate of shadows as indicated in the X-ray chest film and the index of stability (P<0.01) ; after the mean values of the control group were deducted, the improvement rate of symptoms of the respiratory system within the treatment period of the patients with pneumoconiosis increased by 34.6% (95% CI 32.9%, 36.3%) in average, the mean value of the decrease in the respiratory tract infection rate was 26.0% (95% CI 24.0%, 28.0%) , the mean value of ΔFEV1.0% was 4.08 (95% CI 3.56, 4.60) , the improvement rate in X-ray chest film increased by 8.80% (95% CI 8.55%, 9.05%) in average, and the index of stability in the X-ray chest film increased by 10.6% (95% CI 9.18%, 12.0%) ; one-way analysis of variance indicated the presence of statistical difference in terms of efficacy of four categories of medication modes (Fthe improvement rate of symptoms of the respiratory system=482.2, P<0.01; Fthe decrease in the respiratory tract infection rate=72.01, P<0.01; FΔFEV1.0%=246.6, P<0.01; Fthe index of stability in the X-ray chest film=212.9, P<0.01; Fthe improvement rate of X-ray chest film=466.6, P<0.01) . "
07/20/2016 - "1, 2016 including polyvinylpyridine, tetrandrine, piperaquine phosphate, hydroxypiperaquine phosphate, aluminium citrate, Xinin, Xifeining and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) after consulting the related project files on the clinical treatment on the patients with pneumoconiosis, and a systematic analysis was made on the random control test (RCT) which conformed to the quality criteria in terms of five indices such as the improvement rate of respiratory system symptoms such as cough, expectoration, chest pain and dyspnea, the decrease of the respiratory system infection rate, the changes in FEV1.0% (forced expired volume in one second to forced vital capacity ratio) (ΔFEV1.0%) , index of stability and improvement rate of chest X-ray, and adverse reactions as well as the summary of descriptive efficacy. "
3. Falciparum Malaria (Plasmodium falciparum Malaria)
4. Malaria
5. Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Citric Acid (Citrate)
2. Aluminum
3. tetrandrine
4. Cysteine (L-Cysteine)
5. Chloroquine (Aralen)
6. piperaquine