abnormal immunoglobin in leprous-Rubino negative sera; partly related to Fc fragment of IgA & to FAB fragments; possesses Kappa but not lambda light polypeptide chains
Networked: 111 relevant articles (4 outcomes, 11 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Langerak, Anton W: 5 articles (01/2021 - 09/2004)
2. Siebert, Reiner: 4 articles (01/2013 - 03/2002)
3. Darzentas, Nikos: 3 articles (01/2021 - 01/2019)
4. Fu, Kai: 3 articles (01/2021 - 08/2006)
5. van Dongen, Jacques J M: 3 articles (01/2021 - 09/2004)
6. Stamatopoulos, Kostas: 3 articles (01/2019 - 01/2005)
7. Gesk, Stefan: 3 articles (11/2009 - 03/2002)
8. van Dongen, J J M: 3 articles (02/2007 - 09/2003)
9. Tam, Wayne: 2 articles (04/2021 - 10/2019)
10. Groenen, Patricia J T A: 2 articles (01/2021 - 01/2019)

Related Diseases

1. B-Cell Lymphoma (Lymphoma, B Cell)
2. Hodgkin Disease (Hodgkin's Disease)
3. Obesity
4. Mitochondrial Diseases (Mitochondrial Disease)
5. Neoplasms (Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Paraffin
2. polyacrylamide
3. Immunoglobulin Light Chains (Immunoglobulin Light Chain)
4. Formaldehyde (Formol)
5. Bupivacaine (Bupivacaine Hydrochloride)
6. Immunoglobulins (Immunoglobulin)
7. Immunoglobulin Heavy Chains (Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain)
8. T-Cell Antigen Receptors (T-Cell Receptor)
9. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
10. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Induction Chemotherapy
2. Therapeutics
3. Intravenous Injections
4. Intraperitoneal Injections
5. Blood Vessel Prosthesis