nitrosyl hemoglobin (Hb X)

NO group replaces CO in hemoglobin A
Also Known As:
Hb X; nitrosylferrohemoglobin; nitrosylhemoglobin
Networked: 32 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Mengozzi, G: 2 articles (09/2002 - 03/2001)
2. Balligand, Jean-Luc: 1 article (03/2022)
3. Beauloye, Christophe: 1 article (03/2022)
4. Belkhir, Leïla: 1 article (03/2022)
5. Castelein, Thomas: 1 article (03/2022)
6. Collienne, Christine: 1 article (03/2022)
7. Danser, A H J: 1 article (03/2022)
8. Dechamps, Mélanie: 1 article (03/2022)
9. Derive, Marc: 1 article (03/2022)
10. Gruson, Damien: 1 article (03/2022)

Related Diseases

1. Hypoxia (Hypoxemia)
04/01/1994 - "At the relatively low concentrations (5-80 ppm) that are effective in relieving experimental pulmonary hypertension induced by alveolar hypoxia, inhaled NO gas causes accumulation of NO2- + NO3- in plasma and a small increase in MetHb but no detectable nitrosylhemoglobin."
01/10/2017 - "Plasma gradients reflecting consumption (arterial>venous; P<0.05) were accompanied by RBC iron nitrosylhemoglobin formation (venous>arterial; P<0.05) at rest in normoxia, during hypoxia (P<0.05 versus normoxia), and especially during exercise (P<0.05 versus rest), with the most pronounced gradients observed across the bioenergetically more active, hypoxemic, and acidotic femoral circulation (P<0.05 versus cerebral). "
03/23/2004 - "RBC-induced relaxations during hypoxia correlated with S-nitrosohemoglobin (SNO-Hb) (R2=0.88) but not iron nitrosylhemoglobin (HbFeNO) content. "
01/01/2000 - "Our studies show that 1) increased O(2) affinity of SNO-Hb (which otherwise retains allosteric responsivity) restricts the hypoxia-induced allosteric transition that exchanges NO groups with ambient thiols for vasorelaxation; 2) some NO groups released from Cys(beta93) upon transition to T structure are autocaptured by the hemes, even in the presence of glutathione; and 3) an O(2)-dependent equilibrium between SNO-Hb and iron nitrosylhemoglobin acts to conserve NO. Thus, by sequestering a significant fraction of NO liberated upon transition to T structure, Hb can conserve NO groups that would otherwise be released in an untimely or deleterious manner."
07/01/2015 - "Nitrite uptake was slightly higher in hypoxia than normoxia, and high internal nitrite levels extensively converted blood hemoglobin to methemoglobin and nitrosylhemoglobin. "
2. Pulmonary Hypertension
3. Burns
4. Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction (Middle Cerebral Artery Syndrome)
5. Infections

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Iron
2. Sulfhydryl Compounds (Thiols)
3. Glutathione (Reduced Glutathione)
4. Nitric Oxide (Nitrogen Monoxide)
5. Nitrites
6. glycosylated-nitric oxide complex hemoglobin A
7. Nitrates
8. Hemoglobins (Hemoglobin)
9. Desoxycorticosterone Acetate (DOCA)
10. Superoxide Dismutase

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Transplantation
2. Oral Administration