nitromide (Unistat)

antibacterial agent for prevention & treatment of Salmonella pullorum infections in chickens & turkeys & for fowl typhoid & paratyphoid; used in feed; structure
Also Known As:
Unistat; 3,5-dinitrobenzamide
Networked: 5 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Atwell, Graham J: 2 articles (03/2010 - 07/2007)
2. Gu, Yongchuan: 2 articles (03/2010 - 07/2007)
3. Wilson, William R: 2 articles (03/2010 - 07/2007)
4. Hu, Zhen-Hu: 1 article (02/2017)
5. Ji, Feng: 1 article (02/2017)
6. Liao, Qi-Nan: 1 article (02/2017)
7. Wang, Wei: 1 article (02/2017)
8. Yan, Yingjie: 1 article (02/2017)
9. Yuan, Shoujun: 1 article (02/2017)
10. Aranha-Netto, Abimael: 1 article (07/2007)

Related Diseases

1. Jaundice (Icterus)
2. Hypoxia (Hypoxemia)
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)
4. Coccidiosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Mechlorethamine (Nitrogen Mustard)
2. PR-104
3. Prodrugs
4. Bilirubin
5. Wastewater
6. Hydroxylamine (Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride)
7. Phosphates (Orthophosphate)
8. Oxidoreductases (Dehydrogenase)
9. Esters
10. Amines