phosphomolybdic acid (phosphomolybdate)

RN given refers to cpd with unspecified MF
Also Known As:
phosphomolybdate; ammonium molybdophosphate; molybdatephosphate; molybdatophosphoric acid; molybdophosphoric acid; phosphomolybdic acid ammonium salt; phosphomolybdic acid, Co(2+), (2:3) salt; phosphomolybdic acid, Ni(2+), (2:3) salt; phosphomolybdic acid, cobalt salt; phosphomolybdic acid, nickel salt; phosphomolybdic acid, triammonium salt; phosphomolybdic acid, trihydride; phosphomolybdic acid, trisodium salt
Networked: 16 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Jakmunee, Jaroon: 1 article (04/2021)
2. Kuntamung, Kulrisa: 1 article (04/2021)
3. Ounnunkad, Kontad: 1 article (04/2021)
4. Sangthong, Padchanee: 1 article (04/2021)
5. Bhargava, Suresh K: 1 article (12/2020)
6. Chhipa, Hemraj: 1 article (12/2020)
7. Selvakannan, P R: 1 article (12/2020)
8. Soni, Sarvesh K: 1 article (12/2020)
9. Srinivasa Reddy, T: 1 article (12/2020)
10. Gupta, Ruby: 1 article (06/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Tachypnea
3. Acute Kidney Injury (Acute Renal Failure)
4. Hyperphosphatemia
5. Hereditary Sensory and Motor Neuropathy (Dejerine Sottas Disease)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Ions
2. Metals
3. Tannic Acid
4. Levanol Fast Cyanine 5RN
5. Ammonium Compounds
6. Lecithins
7. G(M2) Activator Protein
8. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
9. Zinc
10. Vanadium